Florsheim Imperial Split Toe

Florsheim Imperial Black Split Toe

I am writing this post for two reasons: 1) to cover an unusual Florsheim Imperial; 2) so I can stop looking at the last post photo of a corrected leather Crown Aristocraft.

Florsheim Imperial Black Split Toe

Florsheim didn’t make many split toe Imperials. I have seen a couple with model numbers of 92619 (black) and 93619 (brown) but they are far and few between if you are looking for a pair in your size on eBay. Alden and Allen Edmonds continue to make split toe models but its not a popular style anymore. What is a popular style nowadays? Sneakers.

Florsheim Imperial Black Split Toe

This is a custom pair that I bought from the original owner. He said he ordered them from the Florsheim store in downtown Chicago. I didn’t ask him the year but based on the date code, I believe they were manufactured in 1973.

Florsheim Imperial model number

A couple of unusual features on these shoes: double v-cleat; and a band of white stitching on the storm welt. I looked and the stitching is just decorative, its not a Norwegian stitch shoe.

The overall shoe stitching is amazing and even a step up from the normally excellent Imperial stitching.

I wore them around and they felt true to size.

Florsheim Imperial Black Split Toe

Florsheim double v-cleat

For vintage (old) shoes, these shoes were in good shape. I did give them a good shine. This was my process on these shoes:

  1. Clean and sanitize the interior of the shoe with 70% isopropyl alcohol
  2. Wipe down the upper with a damp cloth
  3. Clean with Allen Edmonds Saddle Soap
  4. Condition with Lexol Conditioner
  5. Apply Allen Edmonds Black Shoe Cream
  6. Polish with Allen Edmonds Black Premium Shoe Polish
  7. Wax the tips of the shoes with Allen Edmonds Black Carnauba Shoe Polish

Why cream and polish? Allen Edmonds cream has high pigment content and really restores the color well. Polish gives a higher shine than the cream.

Allen Edmonds Cream Polish Wax Lexol

9 thoughts on “Florsheim Imperial Black Split Toe”

  1. I have a pair of Florsheim split toe blucher 93604. Originally reddish brown with single heel cleat. Seem rare

  2. I have a pair exactly like those, except mine have no model number at all. I had always assumed they were Kenmores because they fit exactly like my Kenmore longings and plain toes. I’ve always been puzzled by them but love them.

  3. Hi

    I’m in the UK and a lifelong owner of Florsheim Imperial Shell wingtips and PTB’s (known as smooths in the UK). In the early 1970’s I owned a pair of split toe (probably rebadged) Royals. They were possibly shell and definitely US made and I have been searching for these bad boys ever since. In the UK the style was known as Gibson’s
    I have just bought a pair of black split toe Imperials and I could use some expert help to date them. The are identical in style and construction to my original Royals, but made in different material.
    I bought these shoes because I had to have them. They are size 12B – too narrow for me but I must try them out!
    Identifying details:
    9S 2396 DJ
    The factory number is 8.
    I think they were made to order.
    They have the additional white stitching above the welt.
    I guess that they were built in April ‘79, but could be 69 or 89.
    I’ll upload some pictures when they arrive.
    Any comments appreciated.

  4. Beautiful. All business. I NEED a pair. Probably considered by most to be more conservative than brogues. I’m thinking that at the time, brogues, wingtips, long-wings, were considered to be “rockabilly”.

    I noticed the double v-cleats are set inboard, with a date code of ‘73. Have we pinned down a date or a month in ‘73 on which Florsheim switched from on-the-edge to inboard-set v-cleats? I would assume there was a crossover period.

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