
Florsheim Shell Cordovan Models

Hello. I had a few readers request a list of Florsheim Shell Cordovan models. And do what I am told. Sometimes. So here it is. It should be useful for vintage shoe enthusiasts.

This list primarily covers Made in USA models from the 1960s to 1990s that have appeared on eBay. I broke them up by product line: Florsheim Imperial; Florsheim Royal Imperial; and Florsheim Blue Label. I also catagorized them by frequency:

  • Common: 6+ pairs listed on eBay in a given month
  • Uncommon: 1 to 5 pairs listed on eBay in a given month
  • Rare: 1 to 5 pairs listed on eBay in a year

For custom, MTO, or special order models, I labelled the model number as “Limited“.

Where do you find the shoe model number? Unless it is worn off, its on the inside of the shoe. Read the post on Florsheim model numbers.

Have a pair of Florsheim shoes that you believe are shell cordovan but they are not on the list? Most likely they are not shell but again, this isn’t 100% accurate so feel free to leave a comment or send me an email through the “Contact” link. At some point, I will publish a list of non-shell models sometime so this “not shell” categorization can be explicit rather than implicit.

According to this Ashland Leather post, Florsheim used Horween color #4 for their brown models.

If you are looking to buy a pair, read my guide to buying a Florsheim Imperial 93605.

Florsheim Imperial

Florsheim Imperial 92612 – LWB – Black

Frequency: Uncommon
Note: The KENMOOR. Produced from 1962 to early 1970s

Florsheim Imperial 92621 – PTB – Black

Frequency: Rare
Note: The KENMOOR. Produced from 1964 to early 1970s

Florsheim Imperial 92649 – LWB – Black

Frequency: Rare
Note: Produced from 1975 to 1977

Florsheim Imperial 92650 – PTB – Black

Frequency: Rare
Note: Produced from 1975 to 1977

Florsheim Imperial 92010 – Loafer – Black

Frequency: Rare
Note: The YUMA
Photos coming soon

Florsheim Imperial 93007 – Loafer – Brown

Frequency: Rare (super rare)
Note: The original YUMA. 1960s model. Almost unattainable. Read my full post on the Yuma

Florsheim Imperial 93009 – Loafer – Black

Frequency: Rare
Note: The TUSCANY. Tassel loafer
Photos coming soon

Florsheim Imperial 93230 – Loafer – Brown

Frequency: Rare
Note: The YUMA. This is a highly sought after model. Read my full post on the Yuma

Florsheim Imperial 93231 – Loafer – Brown

Frequency: Rare

Florsheim Imperial 93232 – Loafer – Brown

Frequency: Rare
Note: The DREXEL

Florsheim Imperial 93605 – LWB – Brown

Frequency: Common
Note: The KENMOOR. Produced from ~1960 to 1988. See my Florsheim 93605 buying guide here.

Florsheim Imperial 93606 – PTB – Brown

Frequency: Common
Note: The KENMOOR. Produced from 1962 to 1988

93624 – Split Toe Blucher – Brown

Frequency: Rare
Notes: The KENMOOR. 1960s model

Florsheim Imperial 13005 – PTB – Black

Frequency: Rare
Note: Late 1990s model

Florsheim Imperial 13007 – PTB – Brown

Frequency: Rare
Note: Late 1990s model. Probably among the last USA produced shell cordovan shoes

Florsheim Imperial 13026 – LWB – Black

Frequency: Rare
Note: Late 1990s model

Florsheim Imperial 15000- LWB – Brown

Frequency: Rare
Note: The YUMA. Late 1990s model

Florsheim Imperial 53841 – LWB – Black

Frequency: Rare
Note: This model is either custom or mismarked

Limited – Boot – Brown

Frequency: Rare

Limited – Long Wing Blucher – Brown

Frequency: Rare
Note: Shell Cordovan version of the Patrician

Limited – Plain Toe Blucher – Black

Frequency: Rare
Note: In late 1990s, Royal Imperial PTB were rebranded as Imperial. This is likely a black version of the 97624

Limited – U-Throat Bal – Brown

Frequency: Rare
Note: Not sure if this was a custom shoe or a limited order

Limited – Saddle – Brown

Frequency: Rare

Florsheim Imperial 33870 – Loafer – Brown

Frequency: Rare
Note: Imperial with a unusual model number

Florsheim Royal Imperial

Florsheim Royal Imperial 97164 – Loafer – Brown

Frequency: Rare
Note: The DREXEL

Florsheim Royal Imperial 97168 – Loafer – Brown

Frequency: Rare
Note: The YUMA. This is a highly sought after model. Read my post on the Yuma

Florsheim Royal Imperial 97624 – PTB – Brown

Frequency: Uncommon
Note: The KENMOOR. 1990s model

Florsheim Royal Imperial 97626 – LWB – Brown

Frequency: Common
Note: The KENMOOR. 1990s model and nearly identical to the 93605. Rebadged as Imperial in the late 1990s. Check out a restore of a 97626 in this post

Limited – Saddle – Brown

Frequency: Rare

Limited – Wing Top Balmoral- Black

Frequency: Rare

Limited – Wing Top Balmoral- Brown

Frequency: Rare

Limited – Loafer – Black

Frequency: Rare
Note: Black version of the Yuma 97168

Limited – Long Wing Blucher – Black

Frequency: Rare
Note: Black version of the 97626. Both models I seen have had a code of 01-23891-5

Limited – Cap Toe Balmoral – Black

Frequency: Rare

Florsheim Blue Label

Florsheim 22301 – Wing Tip Balmoral – Black

Frequency: Rare
Note: The KENMOOR. 1960s model

Florsheim 22601 – PTB – Black

Frequency: Rare
Note: The KENMOOR. 1960s model

Florsheim 32001 – Loafer – Brown

Frequency: Rare
Note: The ROYCE. 1960s model
Photos coming soon

Florsheim 32301 – Wing Tip Balmoral – Brown

Frequency: Rare
Note: The KENMOOR. 1960s model

Florsheim 32302 – Saddle Oxford – Brown

Frequency: Rare
Note: The DOVER. 1960s model

Florsheim 32601 – PTB – Brown

Frequency: Rare
Note: The KENMOOR. 1960s model

Florsheim 32603 – Boot – Brown

Frequency: Rare
Note: The KENMOOR. 1960s model
Photos coming soon

Florsheim 32604 – Mocc Toe Blucher – Brown

Frequency: Rare
Note: The ROYCE. 1960s model

Florsheim 33850 – Loafer- Brown

Frequency: Rare
Note: Tassel loafer from the 1980s

Florsheim 72021- PTB – Black

Frequency: Rare
Note: 1990s model

Florsheim 72022- LWB – Black

Frequency: Rare
Note: 1990s model

Florsheim 72024- Loafer- Black

Frequency: Rare
Note: The YUMA

Florsheim 76424 – LWB – Brown

Frequency: Rare
Note: Mid-1990s model. Signature Line. Has a rubber heel

Florsheim 78000 – Loafer – Brown

Frequency: Rare
Note: Late 1990s YUMA.

Florsheim 78006 – LWB – Brown

Frequency: Rare
Note: Mid-1990s model. Likely the same as the 97626

Florsheim 78008 – PTB – Brown

Frequency: Rare
Note: Mid-1990s model. Likely the same as the 97624

Florsheim 78015 – LWB – Black

Frequency: Rare
Note: Early 1990s model

Florsheim 78017 – PTB – Black

Frequency: Rare
Note: Early 1990s model

109 thoughts on “Florsheim Shell Cordovan Models”

      1. Wow. Those shoes are 50 years old. Amazing. He got a good deal on them. A lot of vintage collectors are looking for that model. Its super rare.

  1. I’m trying to find out what model my Florsheim Cordovin leather shoes are. The model number does not match anything on the website that I have seen. It is stamped on the bottom Genuine Cordovin and most of the label on the inside of the shoe is rubbed off, but I can see that it says Taylor Made with the gold oval. They are long wings burgundy color. The numbers inside are 90 5311016 7 then on the second line is B/D 6295. That’s all there is. Any knowledge on the model ? Thank you.

  2. Hi. I have a Imperial tassel long wing loafer 93245. This is not on your list but has a close #, appears to be shell, and I can’t find a similar long wing comparison. How can I tell otherwise? Thanks.

    1. The 93245 is not shell. I am 100% on that. I have seen worn versions and you can see creases in the upper leather. Shell will have rolls, not creases.

  3. Hey David, What about the Florsheim Royal imperial shoes without a serial number? Where can I find pictures about those?

    1. Thanks for your excellent post .I do have a model number for an item you have pictured and named but no model number is given and the item is not discussed- it is the” Black wing-tip Balmoral “. This is a short wing Royal Imperial . The pair which I have is marked 23957 AA (which I take to be January 2000?)

    1. That’s a shame. I just scored a pair in great condition. It wasn’t advertised as shell but I was hoping it would be

      1. Wow. thanks for letting me know. Almost bought them. The seller almost tricked me (whether intentional or not).

  4. Good day. Would like to ask regarding model number 13017. Burgundy imperials. Looks like shell but I am not sure. Thanks

  5. Hi David. I’m looking at a 97626 that appears to have only 1 wear. Just wondering what you think about a price of $360.

  6. Hi, thanks for the post. I found your site because I have a non-Imperial 30834 and realized my shoe dream has dried out. It was a pair I bought for my graduation and only wear for very important events like wedding etc.

    I’m looking to buy either shoe cream or polish but since Florsheim only sell the “Cordovan” shoe cream in US I need to find an alternative. Can you recommend any? Thanks again.

    1. I know 42609 also was also available as a black and white spectator model. Pair Im researching are just black.

  7. Apologies for multi post. Thought this could help. Interesting stuff on this pair.

    Inside sole says Imperial..Corfam Upper. Lettering is white on the inside sides. 3 tiers of lettering. “Mid Sole Material Man Made” At Top

    Tier 1: 26 0
    Tier 2: 04100 42609 12
    Tier 3: 2921 1021 COMB LAST 90 6W

    Heel is leather..V Cleat flush, Pre 73, not inset. 14 nails in heel (may be replacement), No 5 Nail on main sole, but sole could have been replaced. Cannot detect leather micro wrinkles on vamp. Pebble grain everywhere..again all Black.

    Thank you!

      1. If it says Corfam, then it is not a Florsheim shoe. Florsheim never made a Corfam model. My email is on the contact page if you want to send a picture to look at.

  8. Hi David:

    Is the 93021 a shell cordovan model?

    If not, how much should it fetch on eBay if the top is in very good condition?


    1. I don’t have any info on that model. If you send me some photos I will take a look. My email is on the contact page.

  9. That do you think the saddle looks just like the Dover 30358-2 she’ll or cg I just can’t tell thank you Ray

  10. I’m very interested in:
    Florsheim 32604 – Mocc Toe Blucher – Brown
    Frequency: Rare
    Note: The ROYCE. 1960s model

    Would you have any more pictures?

  11. Hi David,

    I obtained a pair of Florsheim from my Dad. Which he bought in the late 90’s. They have model number 76402 and are made in India.
    Furthermore the shoebox says:
    Stratford WG BAL
    Cordo II

    I was wondering if these are shell cordovan?


  12. Just thrifted a pair of Oct 1956 Model S-1725 Florsheim Viking Norwegian Split toe Blucher in Brown Shell Size 8C. Unfortunately resoled with vibram heel. Didn’t see on the list of Cordovan model numbers.

    1. Nice find. I have only included the 1957 to 2000 models with the five digit model numbers. Florsheim had Shell Cordovan models before and after that period.

    2. Due to the year, stamped ‘model’ number, and size 8C this could be what was a wholesale salesman’s sample he used when calling on his many accounts.

      Another possibility is some 8C consumer wanted a pair specially made to order.

  13. Hi David,
    I’ve been researching my pair of shell cordovan penny loafers. The model/date code is 97158 EB. Would these be considered rare? The closest I’ve come is 97168, which seem to be highly sought after.

    Thank you.

    1. It’s a rare model but I don’t believe the 97158 is Shell Cordovan. I have seen a few pairs and they had creases in the upper leather.

      1. I’ve compared mine to pictures of shell cordovans, and you’re absolutely correct. Mine do exhibit some creasing. Oh well, I love them anyway. At least they fall into the rare category.

  14. I have a few pairs of Florsheim shoes, and the age/model number of one of them eludes me. The codes are:
    13 D 524 11024K4
    (13 D is obviously the size.)
    They’re black pebble grain LWBs.
    Any ideas here?

  15. 97167 Longwing Tassel Loafer, I have this, it’s the same color as the 97168 Yuma Loafer which is Shell Cordovan and 93224 Tassel Loafer see either of these Shell Cordovan?

  16. Hi, first of all congrats for your wonderful website about Florsheim!
    I have a pair of Florsheim Imperial 23890-7 and it looks identical to the other pair I have 93605, apart from the color, the former is brown/cherry while the latter is black.
    So do you know exactly which model is the 23890-7?
    (month/year code is “II”, size is 8.5 3E, order/sequence number 627360 and factory code is 10).
    Thanks in advance for your help!

      1. Actually, my uncle bought it in a retail shop in US. He didn’t order it custom… or you mean that the retailer could have made to Florsheim a custom order to differentiate his offer from other dealers???

  17. Hi David, first of all congrats for your outstanding website about vintage shoes. I own some pairs of vintage Florsheim and one of them are “assembled in USA” Yumas ref. #15003, I think from the 90´s. They seems to be Shell Cordovan, can you confirm it?

    1. I don’t have info on that model. You can send me photos and I will look at them. My email is on the contact page.

  18. Hi David, I have a pair of florsheims that I have had for awhile. I can’t seem to figure out if and/or how rare they are. Would it be ok to send you some photos of them and see if you could give me some more info on them?

  19. Hi David,

    What’s the differences between 92612 and 92649, and 92621 and 92650?
    One is an earlier model and the other is later?

  20. I have a pair of Florsheim Royal Imperial wing tips I purchased new in ‘96 or ‘97. The model number is 96324, size 9.5 D. Kenmoor W/G TIP B
    Black B/G

    I am now curious if these are Cordovan leather. I haven’t wore them often.

    1. Model 75920 is not Shell Cordovan. It looks like Shell when new but is a shiny, corrected leather that creases.

  21. Hello David,
    Do you have information on 30244? Not sure if they are cordovan or even vintage. Picked them up for $38.

    1. I don’t but if you send me some photos, I will take a look. My email address is on the contact page.

  22. Hi Dave,
    found a pair marked white letters 30816 DE lovely shoes looks like shell any info thank you in advance the other number is
    10 1/2D 600867 logo on heel lift leather soles cordovan 8 color

  23. Hi David
    Thank you for sharing your knowledge and information.
    I’ve been offered a pair of 1990’s long wings 78006 in black. The number is definitely correct. The shoes are virtually unworn and look like shell?? I can only find reference to this model in brown shell.
    Have you ever seen model 78006 in black shell?
    Appreciate any help you can offer.
    Many thanks

    1. I don’t remember seeing a 78006 in black shell. Its possible Florsheim put the wrong number in the shoe. In the later years, the QC was as good. It is also possible someone had the pair dyed black.

    2. Yes, those would be black shells. Florsheim did have some that didn’t follow the number rule, but not many. I think they were made for the outlet stores, which were huge in the 90’s. I also had a pair of black shell loafers (Drexel) that were a ‘7’ number. For the record, I worked for Florsheim from 1980-1997 and left as a Regional Manager when they started downsizing

  24. Hi David.

    This is an amazing page. Thank you for all the information here.

    I purchased a Florsheim Royal Imperial (97624) more than a decade ago. It was sold to me as new old stock. Any chance that it could be shell cordovan? Thanks

  25. Hello,
    I own a pair of black Long Wing Blucher, model 97626. You mention “Frequency: Rare” – could you clarify what that means? Does this model hold any value, or is there interest from collectors? I’ve been collecting shoes for several decades, but unfortunately, I need to downsize my collection.
    Thanks for a great page.

    1. The definition of frequency is listed at the top of the article. Rare: 1 to 5 pairs listed on eBay in a year

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